Lion's Gate Portal

Energy Healing & Highest Timeline Activation

Instant Replay Now Available 

*Plan on about 1.5 hours however we sometimes go over.  This event is held via Zoom and is audio only, so you can close your eyes and focus on the frequencies being transmitted.

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Lion's Gate Portal

Energy Healing & Highest Timeline Activation

Instant Replay Now Available

Plan on about 2 hours to listen to the replay. This event is mostly audio only, so you can close your eyes and focus on the frequencies being transmitted.

Get The Instant Replay

The Lion’s Gate Portal on 8/8 is one of the most powerful days of the entire year for shifting your energetic frequency. 

This Lion's Gate Portal Energy Healing & Highest Timeline Activation will help you activate yourself on the highest frequency possible so you can be ready to receive all the energy available to you on the peak day of the Lion’s Gate Portal.

During your healing journey  you will be guided through:

  • A Full Chakra Cleanse and Rebalancing
  • Trauma Release Process
  • A High Frequency Attunement Energy Healing
  • Lion’s Gate Portal Manifestation & Highest Timeline Jump
  • Grounding In Your New Ascended Frequency
  • BONUS #1: Opening the spiritual sun gateway energy session audio
  • BONUS #2:  Reiki infused workbook with journal prompts, invocations and affirmations that you can use before or after our call for added frequency attunements
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Get instant access to the recording - the energy is absolutely still present for you any time you choose to listen.  

This was unlike anything EVER before! 
"I just want to say THANK YOU, Alysa, for the energy you helped me run through my body. This call helped me establish a connection, which is unlike anything I've ever felt before! The energy was so felt in my body and I know what a true connection with source and my soul feels like now! So, thank you. I am deeply, humbly thankful.” ~Regina

Alysa is an amazing intuitive and soul activator! 
"Alysa is an amazing intutive and soul activator. From the minute I purchased this workshop, I started feeling a deep activation and then as I started the meditations, I was immediately surrounded and enfolded with love. The presence of Angels, Ascended Masters and My Soul was beyond powerful!"  ~ Melaine

My guidance was crystal clear!
"I received so much clarity and guidance around some really challenging life issues I've been facing.  And I felt total support from my guidance team and angels that I actually don't feel stressed any more. I feel so blessed to have received these messages which I really needed during a really hard time and wish that everyone could experience this." ~ Leor

What is the Lion’s Gate?

The Lion’s Gate is where the current planetary alignment between the Earth, Sun, and Sirius is creating a super-stargate of cosmic energy flowing your way.  This means more photonic light (aka information for your DNA to activate) is flooding you and the planet.

With your focused attention you can harness the power of this light to turn on dormant DNA and activate new spiritual skills. 

This supercharged vortex is also loaded with heart-opening energy that has the ability to help you manifest at all new levels! You can expect massive expansion, increased intuition, even more psychic abilities, DNA activations, realignments, synchronicities, prophetic dreams, and unexpected rapid transition (beginnings and endings).

This time of year is also a perfect time to manifest at even higher levels and the key to making a quantum jump in all parts of your life is to focus your energy, clear old baggage, and attune yourself to the highest frequency possible. The higher your frequency, the higher the timeline you will end up on on the other side of the portal.

Get The Recording ($44)

 Here's what people had to say about  last year's activation.

This was truly magical!
"Thank you Alysa, this call helped me so much in a hard time that I've been having lately... The change in my energy has been amazing! I really didn't think anything could help me get over the deep sadness… But I'm realizing that I get to go in to the dark and alchemize it.  I'm learning to use the energies that you have been helping me tap into and I can see that I can create magic from the gunk of my life.  This learning to work with energy is amazing and feels truly magical!  You have helped me understand and move through so much.” ~ Jonathan

I felt physically changed! 
“All I can say right now is Wow – this is powerful stuff, Alysa. Thank you so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The energy on the call felt like it physically changed me and I know that this will be healing me for months to come.🙂 You're a wonderful activator I am so grateful for you.” ~ Emily W.

Energy and blocks were breaking off!
"I cannot tell you how much benefit I get from your channelings, they are honestly wonderful beyond description!  I can feel the energy moving through my body and breaking up blocks and felt deep programs breaking off.  Then at one point I had a huge wave of high frequency come through my body that I can only describe as my body coming into 'tune'  with the energy you were helping us access.  It was filled with tingles and a feeling of being directly connected with divine energy and my soul! Blown away is what I am! I never knew I could feel like this!" ~ Tova 

Sign Me Up!


Alysa is a globally recognized energy intuitive, Divine DNA activator, ascension guide & retreat host. She focuses on offering practical, grounded teachings that help empathic, intuitive, and highly sensitive people to step into their power and fully claim their own Divine Presence.

Her breakthrough work for personal and planetary evolution can be found in the recorded programs like Reality by Divine Design, The Miracles & Manifesting Portal AND her Internationally Accredited Divine Light Energy Healers Certification Course.

Alysa offers energy healing certifications, channeled workshops and teaches ascension techniques at a variety of retreat centers around the world. She also maintains a business coaching practice where she coaches 6&7 figure soul-led business owners to create from their Divine self. Alysa splits her time between Hawaii & Arizona and can usually be found outside communing with nature. 

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I was surprised at the intensity!
"It felt as if I was right there in the room with Alysa. And I was surprised at the intensity of the energy that I was able to experience considering the fact that this was an online workshop.
I also felt the energy and the guides were speaking directly to me.  I had a few unspoken  questions and Alysa talked about the very thing I was thinking and silently asking. It was an intensive workshop for me. Thank you for the opportunity." ~ Raymond

I didn't want it to end!

I'm just blown away and don't have words for what I experienced. Everything Alysa shared, the questions asked, the responses...  the whole activation was just exquisite. I didn't want this to end!  I have had a long spiritual journey and done many things, these activations in some way feel like they encompass all what I have learned in a way that actually helps me embody the energy not just know it in my head."

~ Lorna

So much new energy came through my body!
"Every time I do an activation with Alysa I feel so much new energy in my body.  This time I saw visions of the sun flashing and downloading  sacred geometry. light letters and what I can only imagine were codes into me that I could FEEL! Super tingly through my whole body and I feel lighter somehow as If my body changed.  Thank you so much for this!" ~ Amanda

I'm In! Get My Ticket!

Grab Your Ticket To This Virtual Lion's Gate Activation: 

Instant Access To The Recording

Instant Access To The & Materials RECORDING



*You get lifetime access to the recording and the materials for this year 2023. Remember the energy is timeless and you will receive healing and activation any time you listen.





*You get lifetime access to the recording and the materials for this year 2023. Remember the energy is timeless and you will receive healing and activation any time you listen.

My highest timeline is now visible!
"Wow this was incredible.  When Alysa did the guided meditation and we walked through the pyramid of light I saw my entire highest timeline and actually felt like it's POSSIBLE! I'm so thankful because I haven't been able to "see" my  path or my next steps but now it's all crystal clear! ~ Sandy C. 

I love feeling everyone's energy!
"These calls are so incredible as it feels like the power of the group amplifies everything for me.  I love feeling everyones energy." ~ Adam

I feel like I just got a SOUL UPGRADE!
"I'm not sure all that happened on this call but honestly if feels like I just got a soul upgrade. I saw so many colors and my body feels so good.  I feel a sense of peace in my body and my heart feels light. And... I'm hearing guidance now from my higher self which is new and feels so supportive, loving and kind." ~ Sharron 

We both loved it!
"I just wanted to say that this session was one of the most wonderful treats for both my husband and I.  So, thank you for what you do, Alysa and thank you for making the energy accessible to men and women alike.  It brought both of us more connection, clarity and joy!" ~ Suzie and Mark

I immediately felt much lighter.
"The spiritual, emotional, and mental toxicity I've been having this last year has been so intense.  My body has been undergoing so weird healing crisis that I haven't been able to get myself out of no matter what I have tried.  And after I listened to this recording (I couldn't attend the live) I felt immediately much lighter, happier, and more compassionate with myself. On a health level it put me into a different level of awareness of what my body needs and how I can shift things for myself so I'm excited to see what happens next." ~  Rose

This felt like a blast of love and sunshine from my soul!!!!!
"WOW! This lion's gate session was like a breath of fresh air. Alysa's energy was  so clear, and genuine. It was exactly what I needed. She helped me access my own clear energy which felt like a blast of love and sunshine from my soul! I am so thankful for Alysa's energy & encouragement." ~ Meredith 

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